網路價:148元,結帳享5%折扣後 141


  • 未加工,無麩質
  • 超級種子
  • 可在冰沙、沙拉、炸薯條、甜品和烘焙中使用
  • 鈣和鐵
  • 蛋白質和礦物質
  • 可口的堅果味,開袋即食
  • 鈣的優質來源
  • 纖維來源
  • 低升糖‡
  • 蛋白質和鈣
  • 無麩質纖維
  • 認可有機: Ecocert SA
  • USDA 有機認可
  • 無麩質
  • 猶太潔食
  • 可重封
  • 芝麻
  • 全素
  • Non-GMO
  • 未加工



黑芝麻籽有著悠久的歷史,特早能夠追溯到古巴比倫和古埃及。它們被認為是傳統阿育吠陀和亞洲草本傳統的主食。根據傳統亞洲草本醫級,種子與肝腎經有關。黑芝麻籽是全食鈣和鐵的優質來源,也是纖維的來源。它們含有蛋白質、磷、鎂和 B 族維生素。這種無麩質的超級種子碳水化合物和鈉含量低,是一種特好的營養零食。


在有機傳統,我們提供來自多種傳統的營養豐富的 SuperFood。我們致力於支持秉持可持續原則和公平貿易農業的農民。現在,我們比以往任何時候都更需要用富含營養的 SuperFood,草本,籽和水果來滋養自己,從而支持我們應對快速生活的世界所帶來的挑戰。勇於冒險。這些 SuperFood 用途廣泛。以您認為合適的任何創造性方式,將它們融入到食譜中。每頓飯您都可以選擇營養豐富的食物。食物是強大的。為更好的自己和更好的星球做出選擇。

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/ogt/ogt00230/u/0.jpg">


  • 未加工,無麩質
  • 超級種子
  • 可在冰沙、沙拉、炸薯條、甜品和烘焙中使用
  • 鈣和鐵
  • 蛋白質和礦物質
  • 可口的堅果味,開袋即食
  • 鈣的優質來源
  • 纖維來源
  • 低升糖‡
  • 蛋白質和鈣
  • 無麩質纖維
  • 認可有機: Ecocert SA
  • USDA 有機認可
  • 無麩質
  • 猶太潔食
  • 可重封
  • 芝麻
  • 全素
  • Non-GMO
  • 未加工



黑芝麻籽有著悠久的歷史,特早能夠追溯到古巴比倫和古埃及。它們被認為是傳統阿育吠陀和亞洲草本傳統的主食。根據傳統亞洲草本醫級,種子與肝腎經有關。黑芝麻籽是全食鈣和鐵的優質來源,也是纖維的來源。它們含有蛋白質、磷、鎂和 B 族維生素。這種無麩質的超級種子碳水化合物和鈉含量低,是一種特好的營養零食。


在有機傳統,我們提供來自多種傳統的營養豐富的 SuperFood。我們致力於支持秉持可持續原則和公平貿易農業的農民。現在,我們比以往任何時候都更需要用富含營養的 SuperFood,草本,籽和水果來滋養自己,從而支持我們應對快速生活的世界所帶來的挑戰。勇於冒險。這些 SuperFood 用途廣泛。以您認為合適的任何創造性方式,將它們融入到食譜中。每頓飯您都可以選擇營養豐富的食物。食物是強大的。為更好的自己和更好的星球做出選擇。


Organic Traditions 黑芝麻具有濃郁的堅果味。將它們加入到冰沙、甜品、烘焙食品、優酪乳、沙拉、湯、炒菜和蔬菜中。製作成一種美味的籽脂。製作芝麻醬或麻花糖。烘烤後可增加味道。在低糖芝麻奶昔中加入 1-2 茶匙黑芝麻籽、1-2 茶匙 Organic Traditions 發芽奇亞籽粉、1-2 茶匙 Organic Traditions 椰絲、1-2 茶匙 Organic Traditions 瑪卡 X-6 粉、1 茶匙 Organic Traditions 香草粉和其它任何 Organic Traditions 或 Natural Traditions SUPER FOODS ,然後與足量的水(3-6 杯)混合來獲得所需的稠度。

網路價:164元,結帳享5%折扣後 156


  • Premium Superfoods Conscious Sourcing
  • Make Teas & Lattes
  • Add to Smoothies, Juice & Coconut Water, Desserts & Baking
  • No Added Sugar, Flavors or Additives
  • A Rich, Full Bodied Green Tea with a Delicious Smooth Taste
  • A Concentrated Whole Leaf Green Tea Powder
  • An Antioxidant Rich, Energizing Tea
  • Eat Well - Live Well - Food is Powerful - Vibrant Living
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Eco-Cert by Ecocert ICO
  • USDA Organic
  • Vegan
  • Raw
  • Resealable
  • Kosher
  • Certified Organic by: Ecocert ICO

Premium Matcha Green Tea

For centuries, Matcha has been considered the most revered green tea in the world. Traditionally used in the daily diet and for ceremonial purposes, it is said that Zen Buddhist Monks consumed Matcha for facilitating meditation, health longevity. There are many grades of Matcha. Lower, less expensive grades pulverize the stems with the leaves, creating a bitter taste and a yellow-green color. Some Matcha is prepared using hot pressure processing that destroys the delicate compounds, creating oxidation and consequently a lower quality Match, Premium Matcha comes from tencha leaves collected after the spring harvest. This full bodied green tea is ideal for daily use. Match is the most concentrated green tea in the world.

- Camellia sinensis -

Organic Nutrition from Around the World

At Organic Traditions we provide nutrient dense superfoods from many healing traditions. We are committed to supporting farmers who are dedicated to the principles of sustainable and fair trade agriculture. Now more than ever we need to nourish ourselves with superfoods, herbs, seeds and fruits packed with the nutrition needed to support the challenges that come with living in a fast paced world. Be adventurous. These superfoods are versatile. Incorporate them into recipes in any creative way you see fit. At every meal you have the opportunity to choose dense nutrition. Food is powerful. Make choice for a better you and a better planet.

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/ogt/ogt00494/u/1.jpg">


  • Premium Superfoods Conscious Sourcing
  • Make Teas & Lattes
  • Add to Smoothies, Juice & Coconut Water, Desserts & Baking
  • No Added Sugar, Flavors or Additives
  • A Rich, Full Bodied Green Tea with a Delicious Smooth Taste
  • A Concentrated Whole Leaf Green Tea Powder
  • An Antioxidant Rich, Energizing Tea
  • Eat Well - Live Well - Food is Powerful - Vibrant Living
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Eco-Cert by Ecocert ICO
  • USDA Organic
  • Vegan
  • Raw
  • Resealable
  • Kosher
  • Certified Organic by: Ecocert ICO

Premium Matcha Green Tea

For centuries, Matcha has been considered the most revered green tea in the world. Traditionally used in the daily diet and for ceremonial purposes, it is said that Zen Buddhist Monks consumed Matcha for facilitating meditation, health longevity. There are many grades of Matcha. Lower, less expensive grades pulverize the stems with the leaves, creating a bitter taste and a yellow-green color. Some Matcha is prepared using hot pressure processing that destroys the delicate compounds, creating oxidation and consequently a lower quality Match, Premium Matcha comes from tencha leaves collected after the spring harvest. This full bodied green tea is ideal for daily use. Match is the most concentrated green tea in the world.

- Camellia sinensis -

Organic Nutrition from Around the World

At Organic Traditions we provide nutrient dense superfoods from many healing traditions. We are committed to supporting farmers who are dedicated to the principles of sustainable and fair trade agriculture. Now more than ever we need to nourish ourselves with superfoods, herbs, seeds and fruits packed with the nutrition needed to support the challenges that come with living in a fast paced world. Be adventurous. These superfoods are versatile. Incorporate them into recipes in any creative way you see fit. At every meal you have the opportunity to choose dense nutrition. Food is powerful. Make choice for a better you and a better planet.


Make a delicious tea, latte or smoothie. Whisk ¼ to 1 tsp. of Match in 1-2 oz of warm water (not boiling) to make a smooth paste. Add more water (4-6 oz.) and teaspoon of Organic Traditions Yacon Nectar or 1 teaspoon or Organic Traditions Coconut Palm Sugar to sweeten. Also add to water, juice, coconut water, smoothies, desserts and all other recipes.

網路價:587元,結帳享5%折扣後 558
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/pfm/pfm10010/u/10.jpg">


  • 適合嫩煎
  • 用來自我們牧場奶牛的黃油製作
  • 有機一定是NON-GMO的
  • 美國USDA有機認證
  • 符合猶太戒律的乳製品
  • 奧勒崗州有機耕種認證
  • 適合烘焙


尊重傳統的印度方法,將純正的Organic Valley黃油慢慢加熱,以排出乳固體和多餘水分,同時保留牧場有機黃油的營養益處。剩下的是美味的酥油,帶有濃郁的黃油味和香氣。


  • 無酪蛋白
  • 無乳糖
  • 無轉基因成分
  • 無鹽




網路價:483元,結帳享5%折扣後 459